Airport ↔ Suburb
Airport ↔ Cruise Terminal
Cruise Terminal ↔ Suburb
Extra Charges
Normal rates include one piece of check in luggage (medium sized) and one carry-on item. These normal rates apply 6 am to 7pm most days, but not public holidays.
For any pickup between 7pm and 6am an extra charge applies.
Public Holidays: an additional $20 per pickup.
Additional check in luggage: $5 per regular sized item.
Oversized luggage: $10 for oversized items, including surf boards, bicycles … etc.
Baby seat, for children up to 3 years old, incur an additional charge.
Child seats, for children 4 – 6 years old, incur an additional charge.
Credit cards or PayPal payments will incur a 5% extra charge per transaction.
AMEX payments will cost an additional $3 per transaction.